There is no upfront cost to the facility.
However, the facility will be charged an ongoing percentage of the bookings revenue earned based on the package chosen.
RealeSpace can provide an assurance the amount of income earned will exceed the existing income level within a year of setup of the online bookings system.
We are happy to migrate the facilities existing records or database of hirers to the system as part of the setup process at no additional cost.
Yes, facility owners will be able to check in real-time who has booked the facility, via our online bookings system.
All facilities have full access to this system, and we will work alongside facilities to produce a lettings development plan at the beginning of their partnership with RealeSpace.
RealeSpace has a ‘facility comes first’ policy whereby there is never an occasion when an owner is unable to access their own facilities – the lettings are simply rescheduled.
RealeSpace has it’s own Professional Indemnity and Product/Public Liability Insurance policies for supply and operation of the bookings platform.
Facility hirers will be expected to provide evidence of public liability insurance and sign up to RealeSpace’s conditions of use agreement prior to letting of the facility.
The school will not be required to source any additional insurance cover as a result of facility lettings use.
The hirer will be encouraged to arrange for supervision of the facility during the letting period.
The facility (although not obliged) is welcome to arrange a resource to supervise during the lettings period. This resource may be charged at an additional cost to the hirer through prior agreement.